Whitchurch Methodist Church

Penlline Road, Whitchurch Cardiff CF14 2AA

Welcomes you to our website 

   Home      Whats On      Weekday Activities
        Regular Users of the Premises    (Click Here for Regular Hirers of the  Premises)

                 Access to the Church Sanctuary for private prayer can be obtained when the Coffee Shop is open.
                     10.30     Discussion Group (contact the Minister for details)

                      Prayer Session Eglwys Ebeneser Caerdydd

                              Private Hire of Facilities 
                      10.00am -3pm   Coffee Shop 
                       Private Hire of Facilities              
                      10.00am             Mother and Toddler Group (Term Time only)
                               10.00am -3pm    Coffee Shop

                     11.30-12.00am   Midweek Service (2nd Wednesday of the Month)
                            Private Hire of Facilities  
                     10.00am -3pm     Coffee Shop
                      3.30-4.30pm        Choir
                      Private Hire of Facilities 
                 Private Hire of Facilities  
                       5.30pm                 Rainbows
                       Private Hire of Facilities 
                      10.00am              Prayer Group     (Room 4)

                      10.45am               Morning Service and Junior Church

                       3.00pm                Welsh Service     Eglwys Ebeneser Caerdydd

                       6.00pm               *Evening Service
                                                   *Services rotate around the churches in the Cluster. Details in the Circuit Plan.
We are a Church Community in a Village in the North of Cardiff offering worship, a welcome  and a friendly society. Please look at our Web site and contact us if you want any further information