Whitchurch Methodist Church Cardiff
Penlline Road, Whitchurch Cardiff CF14 2AA
Officers of the Church
Please contact individuals through the Church Website by Clicking HERE when no details are given.
Minister: Rev Dr. Stephen Wigley
Secretary to the Church Council: Mrs Alison Hill
Church Stewards:
Mrs. Enid Nash *(contact Person) enidnash@hotmail.com
Treasurer (Trust Accounts): Mrs Judith Powell
Treasurer (Coffee Shop): Mr Paul Burnell
Organist: Mr. Eric Nash tel:(029)20627548 email: ericsnash@hotmail.com
Choir Leader: Vacant
Finance & Property Secretary: Mr Eric Nash
JMA Secretary: Mrs. A. Hill
Sunday School/Junior Church: Miss A. Ketteridge
Christian Aid Secretary: Mrs. C. Stanley
MHA: Mrs. M. Bird
Youth Committee: Vacant
Room Booking: Mrs. Josie Ketteridge tel:(029)20691234 email: josephineketteridge1950@gmail.com
Child Protection Lead: Mrs Judith Powell
Property/Health & Safety: Mr Colin Jones/Mr Eric Nash
Secretary to the Church Council: Mrs Alison Hill
Church Stewards:
Mrs. Enid Nash *(contact Person) enidnash@hotmail.com
Treasurer (Trust Accounts): Mrs Judith Powell
Treasurer (Coffee Shop): Mr Paul Burnell
Organist: Mr. Eric Nash tel:(029)20627548 email: ericsnash@hotmail.com
Choir Leader: Vacant
Finance & Property Secretary: Mr Eric Nash
JMA Secretary: Mrs. A. Hill
Sunday School/Junior Church: Miss A. Ketteridge
Christian Aid Secretary: Mrs. C. Stanley
MHA: Mrs. M. Bird
Youth Committee: Vacant
Room Booking: Mrs. Josie Ketteridge tel:(029)20691234 email: josephineketteridge1950@gmail.com
Child Protection Lead: Mrs Judith Powell
Property/Health & Safety: Mr Colin Jones/Mr Eric Nash
We are a Church Community in a Village in the North of Cardiff offering worship, a welcome and a friendly society. Please look at our Web site and contact us if you want any further information.